
Cryptocurrency and eXchange Platforms

NeuroChain the Open Platform As stated in the previous article, cryptocurrencies are objects of speculation and fantasy. To make this speculation possible, exchange platforms play the first role. A lot of cryptocurrencies and tokens are exchanged every day in different … Read More

The cryptocurrencies

The first cryptocurrency is qualified as a virtual currency used in distributed peer to peer systems. It is based on cryptography and decision algorithms. The first description dates back to 1998, then, Nick Szabo created the “Bit Gold” (Szabo, 1996). … Read More

Evaluate ICO with NeuroChain

Hot money is frequently risky money. ICO is part of it. One may read the white paper, but it is always time-consuming with nothing but beliefs and rules of thumb hoping to find the right ones. Over the past years, … Read More

Adopt a scientific approach, invest in NeuroChain

 ICO is hype. In 2017, more funds were raised than through any other investment means around the world. But ICO is dangerous. By NeuroChain, we care for our investors. It is about a partnership of trust and skills. We do … Read More

NeuroChain ICO investor profile

Let’s focus on the very nature of a cryptocurrency. It is meant to realize a transaction on a network.It does not give a voting right to the company who emitted the token. Most of the time, the emitter is a … Read More

Feedback of ICOs analyzed by NeuroChain

Before launching the ICO, NeuroChain team has analyzed around a hundred of different representative ICOs in order to identify the best practices but also the limits and leaks of the processes. The sample of ICOs was constituted according to the … Read More

ICO investors, what you must know

During the last months, the ICO process became an investment tool for non-initiated or mainstream investors. This easily accessible investment has, however, some risks and disadvantages for non-initiated. ICO is a risky investment and many precautions have to be made by … Read More