NeuroChain will revolutionize the Future of Work.
Our modern working models currently revolve around corporate governance and organizational modes that stress the need for employee management. But as the nature of work is increasingly being questioned and reinvented, NeuroChain technology’s major improvement on intelligent distributive systems could soon disrupt the very way our firms are built and managed – while improving performance and efficiency at work.There are two ways in which NeuroChain could revolutionize the Future of Work: by transforming corporate governance and shifting organizations towards a project-oriented basis.
NeuroChain technology: Revolutionizing Corporate Governance through Transparency and fair Assessment
Let’s talk about your pay. How is it determined? Typically, your salary range stems from a combination of factors: market pay rates for similar positions, skills in demand for the employee, possibly bargaining – but ultimately, it remains an executive decision channeled through the management unit. But how, why and when is a salary increase decided? Well, we do not really know. Rules are often cloudy as it remains a top-down decision and could depend on a wide variety of factors and power relations (and your boss’s mood). Anyway, although studies here and there have suggested salary transparency to be beneficial for the firm, both in terms of profit, workers’ productivity and efficient collaboration – salary transparency remains a skittish topic.Now, here comes NeuroChain technology: like any Blockchain, it is an incorruptible open ledger visible to every participant in the network – that makes the case for total salary transparency. But unlike Blockchain technology, NeuroChain is powered by artificial intelligence and operated by machine learning algorithms. What does it mean, you may ask? Well, that it provides a reliable framework for mathematically assessing your work based on your actual performance. So, instead of traditional performance reviews, you now have a fair assessment system based on consensus algorithms that combine objective and subjective evaluation criteria. Using objective performance criteria (e.g. client feedback), NeuroChain sets up an intelligent result-oriented system able to measure your value at work and calculate a fair reward accordingly. This is a complete rethinking of traditional work relationships: instead of engaging in power games with your co-workers and line manager, what could be more equitable than winning an exact reward for what you actually brought to the collective project? The objective mathematical assessment is then balanced with subjective evaluation integrated directly into the application. This subjective balance humanizes the evaluation process by taking into account important factors such as your baseline level, external context, previous experience … all the while providing a fair evaluation system that allows you to progress.NeuroChain’s cutting-edge innovation will basically transform rivalries to get a pay raise into healthy competitions. How? By engaging you to perform better. NeuroChain is a great tool for self-improvement as it provides correction mechanisms for lower-performing workers to progress, having precisely identified their key areas of improvement beforehand. Basically, NeuroChain technology will transform corporate governance into a dynamic high-quality reward system that builds accurate worker profiles with qualitative assessment.
Read Part 2 on Friday: NeuroChain technology: Revolutionizing Corporate Governance through Automation and Flexibility
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