Overwhelmed with data – but which Information actually Matters?
Imagine, as you are taking the subway to work, that your metro train suddenly stops, delaying the traffic for the rest of the day. Now, as you’re rushing a bit late to work, you’re the only person from your office aware that all trains are being suspended until 5pm. So you might be tempted to post it online for your whole network to learn about regular commuting in Paris. But before you go rant about it on Twitter, this information is actually only valuable to your colleagues and nearby occupants who’ll take the metro later in the day.In that particular context, the valuable information is punctual, ephemeral, and matters only within a short distance. But they are largely lost into the massive volume of data we upload everyday, which has rendered Big Data so enormous it is virtually impossible to measure anymore (February 2018). Today, any attempt to quantify that volume is almost immediately obsolete as Big Data grows exponentially every minute. A lot of that information is useless though, and often poorly misallocated. How is it that you know your college friend in Vancouver’s had an avocado toast for lunch – yet you had no clue your next-door neighbor was a retired physiotherapist that would have gladly helped with your broken hip?In the era of misinformation and Big Data – enabling a more accurate circulation of information can drastically improve our lives. End-users tend to be bombarded with unwanted information, ranging from inaccurate ads to like-minded media outlets and obnoxious social media posts that deplete our ability to focus. But what if the information you’re looking for is buried right before your eyes, yet hidden because of poor distribution?In other words: how can we channel information that actually matters to reach its interested targets? The good news is: well, NeuroChain technology does exactly that.
How the NeuroChain separates information that matters from the useless data? Connecting the bots!
To reach its relevant audience, the sharing of information should take place along some general rules. First, information has to be facilitated within a short distance. Second, all anchor points of information should be inter-connected to ensure the information does not miss an intended target. And once you’ve drawn that network, the last and most important thing is obviously to determine whether the information matters or not – and to whom.The NeuroChain technology brought together these three factors:First, short distance information. To distribute information properly, you have to set up a network spreading the information within a short distance, to make sure relevant information reaches the intended audience. Basically, if we want your relevant information to reach your next-door neighbours and colleagues instead of your friend in Vancouver, then we want this information to circulate through a distributed network instead of a centralized system. It would go along the lines of the third figure below (C):
Centralized, decentralized and distributed network models by Paul Baran (1964)
The NeuroChain is a distributed network (C).
Second, connect the bots (yes! pun intended)In the NeuroChain distributed system, all the dots are connected to pass on information to your most immediate neighbours – thanks to a neuron-shape network that indeed inspired NeuroChain’s name!In practice, each of these dots is an intelligent bot bearing autonomous decision-making. Thanks to machine learning algorithms, NeuroChain intelligent bots can evaluate which information to share, and to whom. To function, simply download an intelligent bot on your hardware device (smartphone or computer) to run your daily business applications – to secure your regular transactions for example. These bot-run operations then generate more information nurturing the network.And last, the game-changer: the quality of NeuroChain’s network and information. So now that you’ve designed a system letting people know if there’s a problem at a particular Paris subway station, you have to determine whether they actually care, right?
Well, NeuroChain makes sure you don’t send it to the wrong person. To ensure the relevance of the shared information, the first step is to constantly monitor the network’s quality by assessing the value of each participant’s intervention (for a more complete explanation, click here). Our technology controls the quality of information shared on our network by measuring at all times the quality, level and integrity of interactions between all of these bots (more information on our scoring system here: Entropy, Enthalpy and Integrity). The second step is then to reward the top-scoring bots to incentivize the sharing of relevant/valuable information, which upholds the NeuroChain network’s high-quality standards.And that’s how you create a top-performing, high-quality information allocation system! So now, back to your metro station problem, the intelligent bot in your smartphone understands that it matters to nearby occupants only. They’ll make sure that information reaches them – and in the process, give you a chance of rating among the top-performers (so no need to Tweet your anger since your bot’s gonna get you a reward anyway!)
NeuroChain, build a better world!
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