NeuroChain Sigfox AWS Amazon Cloudera partnerships

SigFox, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Cloudera Partnerships

We are delighted to announce 3 new major partnerships that bring a significant advancement for the NeuroChain project.

With €50 million in revenues, (2017), Sigfox is an established company specializing in the Internet of Things (IoT). It offers the first global IoT network to listen to billions of objects broadcasting data, without the need to establish and maintain network connections.

Blockchain deployment at an enterprise level requires to be able to collect large sets of data. Especially when processes like Traceability or Supply Chain management are addressed. With its simple approach to connectivity, Sigfox provides extremely price-competitive connectivity subscriptions and even more importantly, enables extremely simple and cost-efficient silicon modules. NeurocChain allows this information to be written in the blockchain. The benefits are the ability to trace the information, collaboration, real-time visibility and cost of deployment. The most advanced strategy in Supply-Chain like DDMRP require an accurate view of the position of the goods and services execution to be able to define the right buffers. The data provided by the Sigfox network now made available on the blockchain creates a new competitive advantage for enterprise willing to leverage the blockchain and bid data predictive analysis.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies, and governments. AWS comprised more than 90 services spanning a wide range including tools for the Internet of Things. It is one of the solutions that will be provided to host the Bots of NeuroChain. Other solutions are in discussion. The partnership with AWS includes a close collaboration with AWS-Labs in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to develop smart applications on AWS using NeuroChain. During the development of the protocol deep learning tests were realized in collaboration with AWS-Labs. The partnership will be enhanced with the release of the first smart applications. 


Cloudera is a software company based in the United States (California) providing platform solutions for Data Engineering, Machine Learning and Data visualization and data warehousing. The company is specialized in Big Data. The partnership with NeuroChain will allow us to provide a distributed big data solution for the Bots using, for example, HBase (database) for housing data coming from IoT (SigFox partnership) and using Cloudera solutions to analyze the data in traceability process. Cloudera wanted to integrate Blockchain solution (distributed database) to its offers.

With these partnerships NeuroChain is provided with a complete solutions to capture, store, analyse and visualise the data which represents an unique blockchain ecosystem adapted for business applications.

Watch the partnership video announcement

NeuroChain Strategic Partnerships


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NeuroChain, let’s build a better world!

Photo credits: Pexels

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