freight tracking

How to Fast Track Shipments through Customs?

To optimize productivity and keep the shelves stocked, manufacturers and retailers expect inventory to arrive at a certain date and time. A lapse in communication during the shipment and storage of inventory can disrupt the entire supply chain. As global supply chains continue to grow more complex, it becomes increasing more difficult to communicate accurate and timely information with every party. Current freight tracking systems use centralized databases to store and communicate information. These centralized databases are subject to errors and manipulation. By deploying an artificially intelligent, decentralized freight tracking system, we can significantly improve the automated exchange of information and ensure the integrity of the system.freight trackingOptimizing the Flow Through CustomsThe majority of disruptions occur when shipments move through customs. Customs enforcement agents need to ensure that the items in the shipping containers match what is declared on the shipping slip and that the appropriate taxes and tariffs have been payed. This process can be lengthy and shipments can be held up for days or weeks. Additionally, customs may require additional documentation to prove the origin or ownership of goods. In order to optimize the flow of goods through customs, a freight tracking system would need to provide all required information about a shipment and ensure the integrity of that information.Using NeuroChain technology, customs agents will be able to verify ownership, transaction records, tax and tariff receipts, etc.  If additional information is needed, it will all be available in the decentralized blockchain. The goal is to speed up the flow of goods through customs by providing a chain of trusted information. By knowing the exact origin of a crop, for example, customs can be sure that the crop will not pose a threat to indigenous plants.Applying NeuroChain technology to freight tracking systems will also improve the communication between suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers. Artificial Intelligence will optimize the supply chain by measuring consumer demand, gauging the rate of manufacturing, determining the supply of raw materials, and calculating the shipment time between locations. To read more about how NeuroChain will optimize the supply chain, click here.

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